The Times-Tribune serves the area generally defined by the Middleton-Cross Plains School District including the City of Middleton, Village of Cross Plains and Townships of Middleton and Cross Plains .
Editors and Staff
Editor, Alec Finger
Editorial deadlines, including letters to the editor and other submitted materials such as Announcement page and Community page items, are typically Monday at 12:00 noon.
If you have items for the editor- news items/press releases, announcements, community page submissions, letters to the editor, photos to submit, etc., please do so via e-mail if at all possible. This ensures that your information is correct and complete.
Display Ad Sales
Lisa Kueter-Anderson
608-225-3738 (cell)
Display advertising deadline for the Times-Tribune/Buyers Guide Combo is typically Thursday at 2pm the week prior to printing.
Classified Ad Sales and Subscriptions
Classified Deadline Thursday noon, the week prior to printing.
Legal Notices
Please E-Mail all Legal notice requests to-
Legal Notice Deadline Thursday, 2 pm the week prior to publication.
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-4:00 pm
These deadlines are occasionally changed by holidays, such as Labor Day, and other factors. Check with the office staff if you have any concerns (608-767-3655).
1126 Mills Street
PO Box 286
Black Earth, WI 53515